With our anniversary sneaking up in January, I was thinking about the many pictures from our wedding that we still have not developed. Although the images from our wedding are stored on the computer to...
The New York Times reported that there is a direct correlation between the frequency of disputes over money and divorce rate. A study conducted by Jeffrey Dew at Utah State University found that "couples...
I am sure you are familiar with the old adage, "couples who pray together stay together." An array of supporting statistics have underscored the truth of this invaluable nugget of wisdom. Although the...
Our immune system has the capacity to operate as an overzealous soldier ready to serve in any battle. The medical dictionary defines an allergy as “an exaggerated immune response to substances that are...
After reading an article enumerating Pat Robertson's emotive justifications for divorcing a spouse with Alzheimer's, I feel compelled to measure his dangerous admonitions by the Light of Scripture.During...
"You shall make of these a sacred anointing oil blended as by the perfumer; it shall be a holy anointing oil." ~Exodus 30:25 (ESV)Recently God pressed it upon my heart that we should anoint our home with...
...and yours will be added unto you!So many things in God’s kingdom are upside down and opposite from the world’s kingdom. Matthew 6:33 says, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness;...
God's plan for marriage is unity. The enemy's plan is isolation and division. One way the enemy seeks to destroy marriage is in the area of wounding. Just as a lodged splinter that is never removed from...
There will be times in marriage in which we reach a point of emotional exhaustion, or our romantic expectations come crashing down with disappointment. Perhaps one spouse has continually loved the other...
Surrendering your spouse to the Lord is one of the toughest acts of obedience, but it also comes with a big reward. When we enter into our personal relationship with Jesus Christ, He asks us to surrender...
It was once said, "The one unbreakable rule of couples dancing is that the partners must move interdependently, as a unit."Undoubtedly, at one point or another in marriage, you will step on your partner's...
One of my favorite verses in the Bible is Mark 11:23, "For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be removed and be cast into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes...
I believe that Dr. Gary Chapman is definitely one of the Christian marriage "gurus," whom I am constantly learning from. Just recently I came across his research on The Four Seasons of Marriage. This...
My husband and I were in the car hectically running errands, when we noticed a lime green lizard on top of the side view mirror. I could not help but rooting for him, and I could tell that Adam must have...
Most of us think of patience as passivity, but it is actually just the opposite. It requires effort and energy. Patience is a powerful catalyst that will produce exponential results in marriage...long...
Many of us view restoration of marriage as a rigid entirety...meaning restoration is only necessary if you are separated or divorced. However, I believe that all of us want a more perfect marriage. Maybe...
I know in today's culture, most women cringe when they hear the word SUBMISSION because that is how many women perceive it...bold...dominating...all caps, all powerful...with no room leftover. However,...
Have you encouraged your spouse today? This is something that should eventually come as natural to us as brushing our teeth or eating. Our marriage needs daily nourishment. Encouragement means the most from the person you love.It is easy to get caught up in the distractions of the day. However, our priorities are alway highlighted by our words and...
As individuals we often struggle with insecurities in different areas of our lives. These insecurities are often drawn out and magnified in marriage. We wear many different masks in order to gain approval - either consciously or unconsciously to gain the approval of our spouse. One of these is the people pleasing (or spouse pleasing) mask. On the surface,...
Making a vow to understand your spouse is an important part of the commitment. I believe that the Myer's Brigg's personality assessment may be one of the most cost-effective counseling tools that is out there for marriage. Conflict inevitably arises from differences. With sixteen different personality types and unique variations between these types,...
I said my vows the first and last time on January 10, 2009. I love my husband with all my heart, and I know that it will last because Christ is the glue that holds it together. In today's society, emotions hold more importance than commitments. Everywhere you turn, decisions are justified not by fact, but by feeling. The trouble with this overly indulgent...